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Jensen 541S

The Jensen 541S - A Celebration

  • Andrew Roberts |
  • 23rd November, 2020

The year is 1960, the venue is the London Motor Show, and the place is Stand 134. Of course, any car that hailed from the West Bromwich factory was an object of desire, but the new Jensen 541S was especially eye-catching. It was not just that it was four inches wider than the outgoing 541R or that it boasted a conventional grille, rather than the familiar adjustable panel. The Jensen on display at Earls Court was Britain’s first car fitted with seat-belts as standard equipment.

6 reasons to buy a classic as your first car

  • 23rd November, 2020

Everyone remembers their first car – some stick in the memory for good reasons, while others are remembered less fondly. If you’re in the market for your first car, make sure you choose wisely – and that includes considering a classic.

How to make sure your classic car value is reflected correctly

  • 22nd November, 2020

In the world of classic cars, a rare vehicle is highly prized. But when it comes to getting insurance for your pride and joy, its uniqueness presents problems. With a modern car, it’s simple to work out its market value – but with a classic, it’s a little trickier.

Classic three-wheelers we love

  • 21st November, 2020

The sight of a three-wheel classic out on the UK roads is enough to put a smile on anyone’s face. They are something of a novelty these days, but did you know that the first cars sported just three wheels?


Important Dates in British Motoring History

  • Andrew Roberts |
  • 20th November, 2020

Your quick crib sheet for winning a car-related argument.

5 reasons to invest in a BMW Z3

  • 20th November, 2020

If you remember when the BMW Z3 first hit the roads, hearing that the two-seater roadster turns 25 this year might make you feel a touch on the old side. But that means the car has now entered into ‘classic’ territory, with its timeless, dynamic and highly attractive design making it an appealing option for classic car enthusiasts.

Meet The Owners – Rebecca And Stephen’s Mini Jet Black and Red Hot

  • Andrew Roberts |
  • 20th November, 2020

Back in 1988, the Mini Jet Black was your passport to Yuppie success – all for a mere £4,282. Not only did it boast tinted glass, a push-button radio, front head restraints and black velour trim, there were even red seat belts to match the proud owner’s braces. Matching the Mini that looks ‘Smooth on The Streets’ was the “Red Hot” – ‘Hot Stuff For Cold Nights!’.

007 Sean Connery

The Bond Cars of Sean Connery

  • Andrew Roberts |
  • 18th November, 2020

In tribute to the late Sean Connery - a few facts about his 007 transport:

Lancaster Insurance Classic Motor Show, With Discovery, Online Edition Raises Over £45,000 For Sporting Bears

  • 18th November, 2020

The online edition of this year’s Lancaster Insurance Classic Motor Show, with Discovery, raised a whopping £45,000 for the Sporting Bears Motor Club – matching the Bears’ best ever year of fundraising at the NEC.

Lada Riva

The Lady Riva - A Celebration

  • Andrew Roberts |
  • 17th November, 2020

Signs that you are reaching old age – a) realising that The Young Ones first aired 38 years ago and b) that there are just 41 Rivas believed to remain on the road in this country.

The BMW Baroque Angel – a Celebration

The BMW Baroque Angel – a Celebration

  • Andrew Roberts |
  • 16th November, 2020

If you were reading the 11th October edition of Autocar in 1957, you might have noticed an advertisement headlined ‘For the Discerning Motorist’. Naturally, you read on, as this clearly referred to a driver such as yourself, one who appreciated ‘Sober elegance of line, outstanding performance, admirable road holding and first-class craftsmanship’.

A blue classic campervan parked on a driveway on a sunny day

How to prevent damage to your campervan windscreen

  • 13th November, 2020

The windscreen of a classic camper is particularly vulnerable to harm. Any self-respecting owner won’t want the head-turning powers of their retro vehicle to be spoilt by some unsightly cracks or chips.

The Simca 1501


  • Andrew Roberts |
  • 12th November, 2020

A Simca 1501 was not exactly a rarity during the 1970s, yet it always seemed faintly exotic in comparison with its near contemporary, the Hillman Hunter. The styling, although clearly dating from the previous decade, was an intriguing blend of French and Detroit while the interior had the chintzy decor of a suburban living room. Besides, a fine example of the Simca had pride of place in the 1972 edition of Motor Cars; A Ladybird “Recognition” Book.

An electric car plugged in to a charging point

Can you convert a classic car to electric?

  • 12th November, 2020

When it comes to driving in the UK, there is no doubt that the future is electric. So what impact could this electric revolution have on classic cars? And what would be the implications for classic car insurance? Let’s take a closer look below.