Morris Marina Owners Club – 50th anniversary charity run

06 October 2021

The Morris Marina Owners Club are continuing their celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the launch of the Morris Marina in 1971 and the belated 40th anniversary of the launch of the Morris Ital in 1980.

Morris Marina Club

On the weekend of the 16-17 October, the club has organised a 24-hour challenge charity run of Marinas and Itals, from John O’Groats, via Wales and on to Land’s End. It’s a test of reliability for the cars and the fortitude of the drivers. The cars entered are a mixture of Marinas and Itals, both standard and modified, including amongst the entrants some commercials.

Three charities have been nominated by club members. Cancer Research, Canine Partners and Gables Dogs & Cats Home. The first £1,177.29 raised will go to the primary charity, Cancer Research, and the hoped-for excess will be split equally between the three charities.

If you are wondering why the first target is so precise, at launch, in 1971 a Morris Marina 1.8 TC was listed at £1,177.29! In reality, it would be great to beat this several times over.

To donate, visit: and for more information about the club, visit